Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Gratitude

I think about my really bad days and it makes me thankful. I mean, I hate my really bad days. They are really bad days. And sure, I've had those worst of days (finding out someone close has passed, dealing with a personal loss of one kind or another, failure in something I really wanted), but mostly those are few and far between.  

Let's face it, my really bad days don't include a drug addiction, deciding on whether to buy food OR heat, or watching someone close to me lose a slow battle to cancer.  AND, my bad days and my worst days are filled with people around me who support me.

I'm grateful for many things. High on that list? My education. It may not be anything super fancy (just a bachelors), but without it, I'd have so many less options. I was also very lucky to have by and large excellent high school teachers and classes. Truly. I had the foundation to take full advantage of my college courses.

I'm thankful for educated parents.  There are some things that just give you a leg up in life.  I have incredibly smart, well-spoken, cultured parents.  I was exposed to culture, language, writing, and art at a young age.  It has served me well.

I am thankful for a partner who pushes me to grow while respecting the person I am now. It is a great feeling to know you are part of a team facing this life. Is it always easy? Good lord, no. But is it worth it? Do we laugh? Do we share? Do we plan? Do we hope? Is he my best friend? Yes. What a lucky gal I am.

I can't wait to gather in my parents' house - the edifice that is as much a member of our family as the living, breathing members - and share a meal.  I am thankful that I'm always excited to see my family - every one of them.  I am so grateful for them.  You can't pick your blood, but man, did I hit the jackpot with mine.

Sometimes, it's hard not to feel down about the state of the world. There's a lot of progress we need to make. But, the troubles in the world also serve to put things in perspective.  This week of Thanksgiving I feel luckier and more thankful than ever I have felt.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Dust Were-Rabbit Mountain

It's no secret that I'm better at working on the house then housework.  But, honestly, I think our house has a penchant for dust that few others can match.

DUST BUNNIES are not so bad. They sit in a corner unobtrusively and are generally benign.  You can *almost* convince yourself that it adds charm...
 But DUST BUNNIES grow up to be DUST RABBITS.  They are not as cute, although, not too embarrassing as they mostly keep to themselves.  They are shy creatures.
 But, in our house, I often wonder, "Does that dust look angry to you??"  DUST RABBITS grow into WERE-RABBITS.  It's true, I tell you, true.
But, the worst is when you do not tend to your WERE-RABBITS and they VOLTRON TOGETHER (yes, voltron IS a verb) and form

I must DESTROY all WERE-RABBIT MOUNTAINS before they attack my guests.

In our house this process happens in about
TWO DAYS since we have a cat.
But I guess she's worth it.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Job I'm most Excited & Hopeful About

Interview-mania here at GIANT-Land (srry, I'm being a total dork. Translation: I've been interviewing a lot)!     I'm deep in the belly of the job-hunt beast and its stomach is a'rumblin'.  I'm not really sure what that last sentence meant, but it sounded good, right?

Here's the skinny:  I'd like to find a position which has the following (not necessarily in this order of importance though):
1. Company has philosophy / product / social service I can get behind (this is a MUST actually)
2. Very little overtime (looking for a work-life balance, not a WORK-life balance)
3. Excellent benefits
4. Nice people to work with
5. Great boss who I can learn a ton from
6. Opportunity to learn & opportunity for growth
7. Ability to actually take a vacation
8. Possibility of a long-term commitment (if I could find the place I'll work at for the next 10 or 10+ years - GREAT)
9. Reasonable commute

I've interviewed with a bunch of colleges/universities in the area and some small companies.  Positions that run the gamut from Project Managers to Recruiters to Admissions Communications / Design.  Some of these positions would have clout, underlings, and a plump paycheck.


Here's why...

The opening is at a company that is fast expanding in a cutting-edge field.  They bring young, hip, talent to Philly and provide jobs to our area when few are hiring quality positions (and fewer at the rate they are).

BUT, more than that, this is an organization that VALUES their employees.  It is clear in how their employees speak about the organization, clear in how the benefits are offered, and clear in the overall culture of the company.  THIS is a PLACE I really WANT to work.

It is inspiring to even learn that companies like this exist.  Sure, we've all read about the Nike or Google or whatever company that encourages their employees to work when they need to (even if it's 2 am), take the time they need to (as long as you are getting your work done), is super happy to have you - YOU, not someone else, but YOU, and overall treats you like a human being.  BUT, do these places really exist (I mean really out there, like you-or-I-could-work-there exist?)? YES.  Yes, they do!

That's why I'd be happy to start out watering plants, answering the phone, ordering napkins, and taking guff for getting the wrong pizza toppings.  Office Assistant?  Sign me up.

There are a bunch of steps to go and I may not ever be offered the job, but I'm once again hopeful that a great place to work is out there waiting for me. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Interviewing Shenanigans

There are plenty of annoying things about interviews: the waste of your day (mentally if not physically), transportation, research on the company, the prevailing attitude that the interviewers are doing me a huge favor, or when it is clear they've already decided to hire someone else before I even introduce myself, BUT there are a few particular pet peeves that really pin my interview bun:

1. DEAD FISH HANDSHAKE - seriously dude, how did you ever get hired?!

 2. An interviewer FALLING ASLEEP during the interview.  Their eyes are droopy and they slowly fall asleep only to spring back awake and begin the process all over again.

Okay, why did you invite me here?  You realize this is an entire waste of my day now?  I'd happily wait another 5 or 10 minutes while you step outside or grab a cup of coffee.  Have a little respect for the people you are interviewing.  I've already been through a phone interview.  I am worth your time and attention.

3. Fifteen rounds of interviews, one of which is an assignment asking you to spell out exactly how you would do the job they are hiring for.  This way, they can hire whoever they like, but have the talent and input from all five top candidates.  It's like a free consultation.  

I've already been through a number of rounds.  Can I do the job?  Then just hire me.  That's what a 90 day trial period is for.  I'm not applying to run an ER.  It's an OFFICE ADMIN JOB.

A few other things would be nice, but I've not come to expect them.  I always send a thank you note.  It would be nice if I at least was to receive a form email from HR letting me know the position was filled...