Friday, May 20, 2011

New wrap, Eva laGata goes for a slink (walk)

Yay for Fridays!  My goodness gracious, it has been quite a week!

Congrats to E & SK on their new baby boy! Can't wait to meet him.  I am also looking forward to meeting B & MP's new baby girl next weekend!  Yay!  Babies, babies, babies...

This week I realized the completion of a small, but time consuming (and gratifying) project.  A new wrap!

The wrap was a HAT in its past life.  It was made 10 years ago out of the black alpaca and added the yellow glitter yarn and then hand colored each end bright pink!  It had started to disintegrate, so I sewed and sewed and sewed up all the fallings apart and refashioned it into a catapillar-like wrap!  Love it.

Here are all 3 together (the newest is on the left side of the gate):

Also, we have been allowing Eva laGata to join us on the patio (either holding her or in her pink halter)!  She is SO funny.  She dislikes the halter and mostly just sits. But when she walks she slinks in it! 


Here I am biting her ear (like any good owner)...she is so docile...
And investingating... 
And being just super cute!  Doesn't it make you wish you were here right now?!

Loving the Spring weather!
I don't even mind the rain as it means things are grOWiNG and GREEN!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May May May!

What a busy month since I last posted!
I am LOVING the WARM lovely weather!

Remember when I asked you to stay tuned? Well, here is our hate-the-empty-lot-and-our-crummy-neighbors/yards solution...reed fencing:
We have planted Morning Glories in the long flower pots. We will trellis them and then the coverage will be nearly complete and BEAUTIFUL!
We have also re-mulched with black mulch which is so dramatic! Love it!  When the Rose of Sharon grow in the coverage will be very good here too and very pretty.  The flowers are PINK. ^^
You can actually see in some of the pictures below (taken later than the above) that the RoS has already started to fill in love-illy.
And I've hung FLAGS in the yard! Made these for J and R's wedding.  All they needed was some filling in and TLC.  FUN!
Left to right...wall and shepherd's hooks - 2 tiered (with wind chimes)! 

Angle shot!
From the Crabapple to the fence:
Pan out!

Close up...L to R: salvaged from old shirt, shibori silk scrap, block print cotton challis scrap:

AND a close up of one of the flags I knit on the machine (over-kill?! maybe.):