Monday, September 28, 2009

Green things?

Hi friends.
I am waiting for class (taking a CE screenprinting class with M)...have a moment...

I just wrote Stonyfield Farms (I like their yogurts - yum for the Chocolate Underground!) and encouraged them to either package in recyclable pastic (#5 does not count as most of America cannot recycle 5s) or bio-degrade materials (like the corn/veggy material). Why does no one do this? It is a big waste!

Along the same lines...
Here are 2 sites that S found that are stellar! Become involved: - write a letter and have this site send it to all your political representatives - iPhone app

Sweet! Thanks to whoever started these sites...pretty awesome.

In other news...
I dropped off the glove dress from the last blog (I called it "Standing Ovation") for the show on the 17th. I spent a long time finishing it so it was all finished classy and well made. I hope it finds a home with someone who will love it. I think it has a good shot! YAY!

I have sewed a LOT this week. I have also realized that I can make a lot of extra money sewing...hmmm...maybe I should do this...

Have you ever done something that you just didn't do as well as you had hoped to (due to time restraints or other issues) that drive you crazy Well, I do. I think about them until they sit in the back of my mind and fight the dust bunnies back there.

I have a hard time saying no, so I get roped into projects I just really do NOT want to do, or am not really good at or qualified to do. Ugh. So, then I do the project & it is less than excellent (or just passing) b/c I should never have DONE the project to begin with...okay, sorry...rambling.

Anyway, I am setting about to take back a project and right it as best I can. It will involve hours of work with no thanks in return, but I die a little bit every time I think about it. So...I'll let you know how that goes...

Friday, September 25, 2009

2nd Skin Fashion Show

This week was a crazy week!
Sunday I left for New England - CT & MA - but only for 2 days. It was filled with driving, being pushed off the road (yes, sir!), crazy questions (like, what division we are in wrestling - really??), crazy signs (DO NOT STOP - Correctional Facility Ahead), and lots more driving. I also saw some students.

Upon my return I was immediately and head-splittingly sick :( boo. Flu, flu, flu...I was at work Wednesday. Yes, I napped at my desk when it was slow I was so sick. I figured if anyone needed me they'd wake me or call! I was out yesterday...

ALSO, I talked to C who is organizing a benefit fashion show. I realized I needed to finish/work on a lot of stuff if I was going to give her things for the show. Luckily, this is all very last minute, and I was sick! Blah....

I did get to see both C and J this week though. I was terrible company as I was battling it out with the virus attacking me, but good things have come from it.

I am going to be in this show:

I will be showing 8 "looks" (outfits) which is about 15 pieces.
Here are some that I'll show:

Friday, September 18, 2009

Scanning Project...

I am in the process of scanning old photos so that we can all have a copy (and then giving the originals back to my parents). Here are the 2 I did Wednesday night :) Enjoy!
Mom & Dad. My guess is the early 70s b/4 they were married:

Dave & Mom. My guess is 83 b/c Dave is so little. He looks like an old man! Look at his tiny little hands - too cute! I love this pic :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Run Em Run!

This past Saturday, I went home to see E run Cross-Country.
There is a season beginning invitational called "Petty Fun Run." It is run at Del Val, so I know the course well ;)

The invitation is for a number of teams, one of them a serious contender for great state finish this season.

One of the girls was ranked by the Star-Ledger as one of the top 10 runners for XC in the state. E was not ranked...

The race was very exciting! E & the girl were running together the whole time. You can see the runners many times during the course, and they were neck & neck.

Dad made the comment that if they were together coming up the hill (the hardest part for E), then he was confident she'd win...She was ahead of her coming up the hill...

Coming out of the woods at the end, E had a pretty good lead & then seemed to slow. The other girl kicked & E let her pull up next to her! Em didn't even look like she was running hard...

But, she then just blew her away at the end!
She won the race!

E is the first student - girl OR guy to ever win Petty that anyone can remember from Del Val :)

I won't be able to see a lot of meets b/c they are mostly during the week & then I have to work so many weekends :(( BUT, I was super happy to see this one!!

I am SO lucky to have her as a sister. She is not only a fantastic runner, but a good person, a FUN girl, a GREAT sister, smart, and (of course) beautiful :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Things to do while waiting for the bus, the subway, in the Waiting Room, in line...

I made this list for a friend, but thought I'd share with everyone! Compiled from lots of lists & added to by me, these are fun things to do while waiting (not all apply to everywhere, but most do!):

1. Puzzles.
2. Puzzle Books.
3. Boggle (you can play this together or alone & is small & compact).
4. Write Christmas Cards.
5. Read (book, newspaper, magazines...)
6. Make your grocery list
7. Knit, Crochet, Embroider…
8. Make a list of 10 things you are thankful for.
9. Write postcards! Bringing a small piece of cardboard is helpful.
10. Draw Caricatures of the people in the waiting room or in line.
11. Make up stories about the folks in the waiting room"that man is a spy! His bow-tie is really a camera" {Thank you Simon & Garfunkle}
12. Rock, Paper, Scissors.
13. Play Cards. Something that you can play w/o a table works well.Hearts, War, Gin Rummy, Crazy 8s...
14. Clip coupons
15. Balance your checkbook/pay bills.
16. Play the A,B,C game (find the letters or name things that start w the letters).
17. Play the celeb name game! Start with a name ex: "Michael Jackson" andthen the next person has to name someone who's first name starts with thefirst letter of the last name of that person (so "J" for Jackson - could be JanetJackson)…
18. Make/organize Recipe Cards
19. Make a To-Do List
20. I-Spy!

Friday, September 4, 2009

A note about my dad...

It is my dad's birthday this weekend.
I think he'd rather not be reminded, but it does give me a moment of pause.

It has been such a gift to be blessed with 2 amazing parents that have been healthy & alive for my lifetime. I feel very lucky to have them.

My dad is truly one of the best people I have ever met. I think sometimes people don't realize how smart he is b/c he is humble, or how funny he is, b/c he lets other people have the spotlight.

He is so unselfish and giving. He is the kind of person you can never buy anything for b/c he will never complain that he needs something. He would rather you kept your money than spend it on him.

The best birthday pressent you can give him is to make him a card, write him a note, and/or spend the day playing games & being a family.

My dad never wastes food! Ha! We lovingly have referred to him as "The Goat" b/c he'll eat anything (except liver!) and will not allow food to be wasted.

My dad is also often called "Rand" b/c he is a living map! I have called my dad in the middle of the night lost in some part of NJ & he is always like, "okay, so go to the next light and make a right, you'll see a 7-11 on your left..." He is the kind of person who just understands the way roads work. He can have driven down a road 15 years ago & remember it still. There are many amazing stories that we all have about his mapping abilities.

My dad's artist abilities are in map-drawing. He can draw you the best map ever!

My parents have told folks they received a "scholarship" when they felt it was important for students to attend something they could not afford. The "scholarship" was my parents. They don't have a ton of money, and they have a TON of projects that need to get done, but some things are more important to them.

My dad has coached so many of our teams! He is such a FAIR coach. Starting line-ups would often be determined by who had not missed practices, and he would try to play everyone in every game. He would spend lots of time learning how to be a good coach from other coaches.

My dad is VERY non-materialistic. This is really annoying as a pre-teen or teen. But, it has been an excellent lesson, and there are more important things in life than a new pair of shoes (this coming from a Fashion Major!). I am thankful for this philosophy.

My parents always encouraged us to join!, play outside!, have friends over! My childhood weekend dinners (or all of the summers) would see at least one other kid at our table who was staying over or playing for the day. Our home may not have been spotless, but it was filled with fun and laughter.

I used to hate that my parents were always right. They were, really. Now, I love that I can look to them for advice, and trust them with anything.

My parents are an excellent pairing. Dad could tutor math & science, mom is a fantastic writer. Mom will help with art projects, dad would coach our teams and work on our batting stance.

Most of all, my parents always respected our opinion. Even as a small kid, we were allowed to dress ourselves, voice our opinion, and enter into the conversation.

I could go on, but you get the parents are the kind of people that restore hope in humanity & make the world a better place...

Happy Birthday to my dad.

G'ma House Pictures promised, here are pictures from the awesome g'ma house we walked through:
Picture #1 has so many things to look at! Note the RED phone on the end table, the LAMP (which are completely amazing), the rug, and the huge mirror on the wall:

Picture #2 also gives us lots to look at! Note the floor to ceiling lamp on the left (foreground). What IS that? Have you seen such an amazing piece of lighting before EVER? I'm guessing NO b/c this was probably the only one ever sold...
Also note the arabian arch...very nice, and the woven chair which S is looking at. That chair was actually quite nice, but needed a new seat. You also get more of the rug in this photo.

If this house didn't need SO much work in EVERY room & was not overpriced by 50G, then I'd totally have considered it (but those are 2 huge IFs). I would have asked for the lamps in picture #1 as part of the settlement.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

House Hunting in South Philly

Well, this is already fun!
If you need a realtor, we have a FANTASTIC one.

Okay, so looking at S.Philly houses has been awesome. 2 out of the 3 houses we saw last night were WAY overpriced (typical) & one was just too small.

The one house was an old lady's house & was a little "wonderland." There were just amazing things in that house! I did take pictures, so I will post some of them tomorrow (forgot the cord today). Think old rugs, lamps, weirdness...It was pretty amazing.

There was also a house that was bought 2 weeks ago at 135 & then immediately (without working on it AT ALL) was put back on the market for 200. What a bum. It was a mess, too. The least they could have done would have been to put down new carpets. There is someone who thought they'd get some sucker to just basically give them 60 grand. It seems so dishonest to me...

I am thoroughly enjoying this part though!
I will keep you posted :)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Been a busy couple of days...

So, it has been super busy! AND, now it is how the summer has flown.
S & I have recently been looking at houses...this process is so overwhelming. I, of course, fell for a GORGEOUS house that needed some work, but was truly gorgeous. Unfortunately, some flipper bought it IN CASH the day we wanted to go look at it! Bastards! I was so sad for 2 days (and am now just a little sad). I don't believe we will find a house that great ever again. It was a once in a million houses... I will show you pictures below. There is NO WAY we could have afforded this house b/c it was bought for 150K more than the listing 2 years ago. They must be in a sad state to sell :( but we would have taken good care of it and loved it:

So, we'll prob end up either buying nothing...or buying something that is eh...okay. Great. Not that I'm a defeatist....oh, wait - yes, I totally am!
In other news...
Here are some scans of old photos I found! I was cute, but D was every cuter! He was SO FRICKIN' CUTE when he was little, I can barely stand it.
Here I am showing promise of art school (that's a California Raisin!):

Yay! This is D's 5th Birthday. There's my mom on the right :) & me in the front. R is behind D. Ah, summers in the pool...

This is probably Saturday morning cartoons. We LOVED Saturday morning cartoons! Things to note: our awesome clothing, lego buckets!, and the orientatl rug which I have fond memories of. Am I laying on a record?