Tuesday, April 5, 2011

More Knit Madness!

So, Sunday after a long Saturday of work (9:3a - 8:3p) I knit a long wrap for the clothesline pole!
Monday, we had to wait for the plumber in the morning...so, I made good use of my time & attached it to the pole!  It is bright and maybe a tad bit ridiculous, but I love it!  the multicolor below the red is super fuzzy and reminds me of a muppet:
Angle 2:  Obviously, the lot is such an eyesore, but we have a PLAN (dum, dum duuuuuuum!), which will go into effect maybe this weekend! Stay tuned...
And...seen through the screen...love the sewing on the screen with the knit wraps and gate!:
I attached another patch on the screen.  I knit clear thread & then sewed pink around it.  Remember those sewing cards for kids? It was a lot like that: