I think about my really bad days and it makes me thankful. I mean, I hate my really bad days. They are really bad days. And sure, I've had those worst of days (finding out someone close has passed, dealing with a personal loss of one kind or another, failure in something I really wanted), but mostly those are few and far between.
Let's face it, my really bad days don't include a drug addiction, deciding on whether to buy food OR heat, or watching someone close to me lose a slow battle to cancer. AND, my bad days and my worst days are filled with people around me who support me.
I'm grateful for many things. High on that list? My education. It may not be anything super fancy (just a bachelors), but without it, I'd have so many less options. I was also very lucky to have by and large excellent high school teachers and classes. Truly. I had the foundation to take full advantage of my college courses.
I'm thankful for educated parents. There are some things that just give you a leg up in life. I have incredibly smart, well-spoken, cultured parents. I was exposed to culture, language, writing, and art at a young age. It has served me well.
I am thankful for a partner who pushes me to grow while respecting the person I am now. It is a great feeling to know you are part of a team facing this life. Is it always easy? Good lord, no. But is it worth it? Do we laugh? Do we share? Do we plan? Do we hope? Is he my best friend? Yes. What a lucky gal I am.
I can't wait to gather in my parents' house - the edifice that is as much a member of our family as the living, breathing members - and share a meal. I am thankful that I'm always excited to see my family - every one of them. I am so grateful for them. You can't pick your blood, but man, did I hit the jackpot with mine.
Sometimes, it's hard not to feel down about the state of the world. There's a lot of progress we need to make. But, the troubles in the world also serve to put things in perspective. This week of Thanksgiving I feel luckier and more thankful than ever I have felt.
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