There are plenty of annoying things about interviews: the waste of your day (mentally if not physically), transportation, research on the company, the prevailing attitude that the interviewers are doing me a huge favor, or when it is clear they've already decided to hire someone else before I even introduce myself, BUT there are a few particular pet peeves that really pin my interview bun:
1. DEAD FISH HANDSHAKE - seriously dude, how did you ever get hired?!
Okay, why did you invite me here? You realize this is an entire waste of my day now? I'd happily wait another 5 or 10 minutes while you step outside or grab a cup of coffee. Have a little respect for the people you are interviewing. I've already been through a phone interview. I am worth your time and attention.
3. Fifteen rounds of interviews, one of which is an assignment asking you to spell out exactly how you would do the job they are hiring for. This way, they can hire whoever they like, but have the talent and input from all five top candidates. It's like a free consultation.
I've already been through a number of rounds. Can I do the job? Then just hire me. That's what a 90 day trial period is for. I'm not applying to run an ER. It's an OFFICE ADMIN JOB.
A few other things would be nice, but I've not come to expect them. I always send a thank you note. It would be nice if I at least was to receive a form email from HR letting me know the position was filled...
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