Monday, January 6, 2014

2013 - A Year in Review as a [F]-unemployed Artist

The new year and resolutions have me asking myself...
"Self, since I've been [f]unemployed, what have I done?"

- READ.  My best estimate is that I've read between 35 & 40 books this year.  It's possible I've read more.  I've read a lot in other formats as well (op-ed, texts, etc.).
- WROTE.  100,000+ words of fiction.
- Blogged.  I'm still getting the hang of it.
- Cooked.  Yes, my faithful readers, I've become a decent cook.  Yes, really.
- Party-planned.  All that wedding planning & projecting & much time!
- Art-ed.  Some.  I've definitely written more than I've art-ed.  But, I've done some textiles work, painting, drawing, and some planning & thinking about art.
- Job-searched, applied, & interviewed.  What a HUGE time-suck and unrewarding experience.
- House Reno. We figure, in 20 years, this house will be great.
- Volunteered.  Yay me!  I always talk about volunteering and I actually had some time to do so.  Hopefully, I can continue this.
- Learned!  I tried all kinds of new small things making and doing...from textiles projects to chocolate martinis, from house reno to psychological topics, from traveling to New Orleans to a few days in NYC & Atlantic City.
- Centered myself.  I feel great.  I may be broke and jobless, but I am without a doubt the happiest I've been in years and years.  I am better able in trying situations to ask myself, "What is really important here?" or "Is this really important - big picture?" and I believe, have made more patient and empathetic decisions in my day-to-day life.  I am more appreciative of what I have.  The people in my life, foremost.  My house, my cat, my relationships, my studio space, my education, my future, this break.

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