Man, life is busy. It's good to have things to do, but the days do sure fly by...
I'll share some good olde invitation GD I did for a September Wedding Shower. The themes of the wedding are music (both are musicians) and books (both went back to school while together). The bride also loves with her shoes/shoes in general. So, I tried to work all of that into the invite. FUN!

Label is taken from an old 20s label design.

Searched for appropriate titles + authors the bride likes (Dave Eggers). Each of these books was taken fom a different photo (or I took the photo).
Also, my sister turned 20 this month (what a young-in'!). To celebrate, I took us both skydiving!

my tandem dude gave us tutus to wear!! My sister later said, "I like that we are the type of people you'd offer tutus to." AGREED!
AND...of course I have decorated for Halloween (I know, you are shocked!)!
Note to those decorating: Pumpkins/gourds do not last as long as I thought. Me, "I'll get this now and I will be able to keep it until Thanksgiving." Truth: I got this 2 weeks ago, and it was already rotten and SO SO SUPER GROSS. Not getting more inside gourds/pumkins (lots of underlining and bold happening there...hmmm...).
BUT, the pictures turned out well:
to steal a friend's pun..."Gourd-geous!"
New October Mantle:
...complete with fake spider webbing. Turns out fake spider webbing requires a BS in Spider Webbing (yep, used BS on purpose). Uh, not so easy!
SKULL-ELLA, lookin' rad:
we wear many hats in this! Couldn't help it ^^
Creepy doll will tell your future...
My trophy for best costume last year! And creepy steampunky old pocket watch:
Halloween is everywhere! Love how I found this old pictures of S & I from 6? Halloweens ago:
And October also (usually...sob!...not this year, though) means Phillies. So, we have a Phillies/gourd shelf.
Fall leaves on the lights...
$1 decor popping here and there...
And a skeleton to welcome you home!
FYI...this will be her Facebook Profile Picture. Everyone knows that you look cutest/skinniest if you take the photo from above. And makes your eyes (and head, but hey...), look big.
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