Friday, May 28, 2010

Notes from the road...Part III

The GPS harps like my grandmom - constant and whiny.

There are 3 GPS voices: man, woman, and child. ***I imagine a conference room where suits discuss the idea that a "family" will make the thing less annoying (as E would say, "EPIC fail").*** The child will often repeat one word 5 or 6 times urgently and loudly - usually speaking over the woman (mom would commiserate I'm sure). This is not enjoyable. As we have been on the same highway for the entirety of the trip, I am fairly certain whatever brat-face wants cannot be SO urgent as to warrant such behavior.

...I finally figure out the the kid's, "Ed HEEP" happens every time you go over the posted speed limit. Ah! Well, the annoyance would get me to slow down - or just not use the GPS...

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