Sunday, January 3, 2010

Progress Report.

Hello 2010!

So, to go back to the beginning & look at my goals (when I started the blog) & what I am doing, have not done, changed...Since April:

1. Stop eating meat. I did well on this. For the first maybe 5 or 6 months I barely ate any meat. Sometimes it is necessary (like when you are invited to dinner). I am still doing well, but have modified it somewhat. My decisions do not affect just me, so there is a compromise. I eat little meat & when I do, I try to by free-range, etc. I have eatten almost NO red meat since April.
2. Take short showers. I do well on this except when I have the day off!
3. Make our own cleaning products. We do our own laundry & cleaning. We are using bought, but biodegradable dish & shampoo/cond.
4. Recycle. I have to send my #5s away to be recycled, but I have hung onto them. We do well here.
5. Compost. We have not done this. Maybe over the summer when we are eatting a lot more fresh fruit, we will join Bennet
6. Write & organize. I've done this somewhat, but can do much better (the writing, not the organizing).
7. Stop buying new plastics. This is SO FREAKIN' IMPOSSIBLE. I can do better...
8. Paper instead of styrofoam cups at work...I keep trying, but seem to not be able to accomplish this...
10-12. Buy organic, eat less dairy, pack lunch. I do okay here. Can do better...
13. Powerstrips. We do this well.
15. Buy only used clothing & books. I have bought one new piece of clothing since January of last year (although, I have gotten a few things as gifts). Even gifts I gave of clothing were used clothing (and super cute). I have bought 2 new books...I KNOW, but the library was taking forever to get them, so I gave in.


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