Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fight the Fight: a Wednesday Rant.

Today I continued to fight. Fight down those things that creep up through your mail slot leeching onto your ankles. You almost can't feel them. If you don't notice them right away they will eventually infect your bloodstream making your life extremely difficult...

To what do I refer??

Fight #1 - PA state taxes. Seems it is a difficult concept that someone could live only part of a year in PA. Luckily, I had lots of documentation and I submitted said documentation (this dispute is concerning a few years back).

Today I call to make sure that all of the documentation was received (and to find out what happened). It has been a month since the documentation was sent. It was received - good. AND, since they are already reviewing items that were received in FEBRUARY, they should get to mine "shortly" (6 months). Nice that they give YOU a deadline...
**makes me wonder how much we are paying them & how efficient this process is...

Fight #2 - E-rental. If you don't know the story, I'll sum it up:
I rented a car for work. It was damaged in a public lot. Work + E were working on what should be paid/etc & E sent the bill (during this time) to a collection agency. Bill was paid NOVEMBER, collection agency reported it to my credit account when work + E were working it out (nice). Still shows up on my credit as a non-paid outstanding account (did I mention it was paid in NOVEMBER??). So, the lawyer (thank GAWD for L's) drafted a letter & together we submitted a packet which said: a) it was not my responsibility and b) it was paid in November. I received a letter which I thought stated that the credit bureau was on E's side...called today & it turns out a decision hasn't been made yet...there is still hope...

Fight #3 - FSA. Flexible Spending Account...I think I won this fight today, but it is still pending...

Fight #4 - Doctors. I definitely lost this battle. I ALWAYS lose this battle. Here's how it went today (the first part is from 2 wks ago to catch you up):

me: "Hi Doctor, I'm here b/c this and this are wrong with me."
Dr: "Hmmm...well, we can't make that go away, but we can do some more testing. Come back in 2 weeks. Please pay me."

2 weeks/today...

me: "Hi Doctor, I'm here for my testing."
Dr: "It is confirmed that we cannot do anything for you. Please come back in 2 years. Pay me."

Glad I get up super early for a 7:30 am apt, so I can get to work on time...

Normally, my doctors' visits go like this:
me: "Hi Doctor, I'm here b/c this and this are wrong with me."
Dr: "That is interesting. Well, I'll make notes, but there is nothing we are going to do differently. Come back in 3 months. Please pay your co-pay."

Repeat on a 3-4 month cycle.

Luckily, these are all specialist visits, so they are the $25 co-pay. It surprises me that Doctors wonder why people don't go to the doctor. Why would you? You pay someone to tell you they can't help any other line of work, you'd be fired.

That is my rant for today. Have a nice weekend.

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