Wednesday, September 29, 2010


I am just off of one week in New England and I am now on my way to SC for 2 days...I'll be home Friday night to fly to Asia on Saturday for 2 weeks - whew!

I also do not currently have a working camera. Never trust online chat support to be right about what is wrong & the part you need...and expect them to take it back even if you have kept the entire IM conversation & careful I think S is going to lend me his camera for Asia :) YAY, but still, not my usual which I know so well.

Of course, there are pictures of stuff from the garden. Just as I am NOT HERE (booo!) there are gobs of tomatos! This pic was taken AFTER we had made a tomato pie on Sunday (2 big containers of cherries plus a v.large orange used and 5 giant sandwiches. S says I put too many tomatoes on sometimes...but I think it is perfect. I use about 1 big per sandwich-ish. SO you can imagine how many we had! We also made a pizza last night & used a bunch of peppers, so we had more of those (and beans too) before...but I was too lazy to take the picture then.

AND...since I will be away until the 19th...I used an hour of free time today to decorate just a wee bit for Halloween. We don't have tons of decorations (unlike Christmas -watch out!), but they look good on the mantle. I'll maybe get some spider webby stuff for the mirror when I get home & it will complete the look, I think.

I did start off w/o the baby doll, but she adds just the perfect eerie touch, don't you think?

Well, that's all for tonight...probably won't check back in for 3 weeks or so! Enjoy the Fall!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fun Times!

This past weekend, J & R got married & their wedding was great. I had a chance to reconnect with friends & see folks I haven't seen in a while!

J & friends (me too!) made all of the decorations which were lovely & plentiful. You can see them on my flickr page...

Also, we have LOTS of cherry tomatoes! Yay! And have been making Cherry Tomato Sandwiches! YUMMY ^^ Last night we made Rye Bread & had sandwiches with that. That was even more delicious. Yay for something in the garden that is still growing. We have a bunch of larger tomatoes but they WON'T TURN RED. Grrrrr....
We still have about 2 pints after 2 sandwiches last night & I use a lot! S puts pickles on his.

AND...finally took pictures of the door*fixed*. Ha. The door had holes in it.
So, I cut the holes to what I wanted & made stuffed pieces for them...still might paint on it too. I was thinking about Calder's mobiles.

These are the curtains for the room - harlequin patterned. I will hopefully get around to sewing on top of them as well...but 1st step done! Thank goodness for curtains - esp. at night! It's kinda funny too b/c when you pull them it is as if we are putting the plants on the windowsill to bed. Goodnight plants! Sleep tight...

Friday, September 10, 2010

September already!

Okay, I know I basically just blog about our garden & our house, but those are my current projects. Everything else is so in-process that I can't blog about them...yet. keeping with the summer! This was dinner the other night. LOVE the colors in the peppers. The white are eggplants - yummy!

AND check this HUGE bean from last week.

Doesn't look that big? Here's a comparison with the other beans. Egad!

ALSO...I finally worked on my entryway switches. Finished painting the branch, painted some lanterns. A good start.

Here was the issue of the bottom of the larger lantern hanging all wonky:

BUT...I did fix it pretty easily & quickly!:

I can't decide if it is kitchy or is actually awesome...maybe it is both...

Here you have the front door in the picture.

I think I am going to paint the trim around the door either the samon or the yellow. It will bring it all together. I do need to get 1/4 round to trim out the crappy trim, though first...sigh.