Tuesday, March 30, 2010

HOUSE!!! Update...

Well, I am exhausted!
We closed on the house on Feb. 23rd. Since then we have had done:

Electrical Work - throughout...groundings, running new lines, etc.
Hardwood floors - downstairs, and the 2nd floor.

We (including HUGE help from family) have done:

New locks front & back doors.
Living room - patched and painted (25 x 12ish) - including trim and ceiling. The walls were a mess...this was a lot of patching! Fixed around the built in A/C & removed cover to spray paint.
Stairs - were refinished, but also sanded & primed the banister, rebuilt & patched a hole in the swoop above.
Kitchen - patched, painted - 2 coats of primer, 3 coats of wall color. Ceiling, trim, primed radiator...primed & first coat on the outside door, purchased knobs, new fittings for the stove.
Hallways - demo floor! Thank goodness...they are now refinished & beautiful.
Office - demo floor for refinish.
Bedroom - demo floor, demo 1 wall (wood panel), demo drop ceiling. Put up Sheetrock, put up plywood on ceiling, order tin ceiling. Patch, prime, paint room and trim. Started sanding windowsills...remove old closet doors.
Bathroom - clean walls, remove/re-caulk tub. Sand down door. Prime all, some patching (needs more), paint first coat. Purchased new door knob.

That's all I can think of right now...we had to wait for the electric to be done b/4 we could start on a lot of things, and we had 4 days where we could not work in the house b/c of the floors, so we've gotten a lot done I think!

Here are some before & afters of the hardwood floors:

Before all the floors looked like this:

But with a sanding & finish, they are RED! - Red Pine:
Before Bedroom Floors:

AFTER! Gorgeous! So exciting - same floors:

Before - downstairs:
Downstairs floors AFTER:

Hallway before (wow ugly):

Hallway AFTER! :)
Stairs before - lots of water/wear stains:

Stairs AFTER! Cleaned up well:

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rug Fix for 1201

So, moving out of 1201 means that we need to fix some stuff around the apartment. I read about a rug fix online & then tried it!

Step 1: Remove damaged rug part:
This I did with a snap-blade. Rugs are a pain in the butt to cut!

Step 2: Cut out a clean piece of rug of the same size from a back corner in the closet. I had to be careful to align it correctly so the pattern matched up.

Step 3: Secure patch!

The only thing is that the back corner of the closet has never been walked on, and the top of the stairs are walked on all the time! Ah, well, maybe we can tamp it down & dirty it up before the month is over. Looks better than before, anyway!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Why it hurts to eat.

So, I think I figured out why it hurts my whole body when I eat. I have illustrated this below:
**Sorry the scan stinks!**

In other news - we have heat after a week of the gas being shut off in the house!

Now for the electrical work...got an estimate...now we have to wait over a week for the work to be done! Friday all day will be electric day (not tomorrow - 8 days)!